The USGA Handicap System™ enables golfers of all skill levels to compete on an equitable basis. Maintaining an accurate handicap helps every golfer and ensures fair play among your friends here at Honeybrook and on the road. Your memberships includes free handicap posting through the Golf Association of Philadelphia, and scores should be posted in the pro shop computer or online as soon as possible after your round. It is your responsibility to your fellow players, to yourself and to the integrity of the game to enter your scores properly.
Posting your score can sometimes be confusing, so here are a few reminders, some of which may surprise you.
All rounds played - whether Stroke or Match Play - should be posted! Many are not aware that the Rules of Golf provide a way to determine your "most likely score" on holes that are conceded or picked up. See Section 4-1 below. Exceptions to this rule are formats in which you don't play your own ball from tee to green such as a scramble, shamble or similar format.
Nine-hole rounds and even incomplete rounds should be posted! If you don't finish some holes, USGA rules provide for you to enter your "most likely score" for that hole. See Section 4-1 & 4-2 below. Should a player play only twelve holes he/she can record the 9 hole score. Should a player play 13 holes and then quit play, he/she must record a score based on their handicap for the remaining holes and then post an 18 hole score.
Know your Equitable Stroke Control number. There is a maximum allowable score for each hole that you are allowed to post in the handicap system. It does not effect youractual score for the round, only the score you can post. Your maximum number of strokes per hole is determined by your particular handicap, as indicated in the chart below. See Section 4-3. Ask the pro shop staff or Tournament Committee member if you have questions.
Rounds played at away courses should be posted too. You will need the slope and rating of the away course, usually found on the score card. GAP member courses with slope ratings included are listed in the pro shop handicap computer.
If you have questions, contact the Honeybrook staff or any of the Tournament Committee members.